I would like to say that I plan all of my meals ahead of time, giving careful thought to what is best for me to eat, and then spending time meditating over my chopping, simmering,…

I would like to say that I plan all of my meals ahead of time, giving careful thought to what is best for me to eat, and then spending time meditating over my chopping, simmering,…
Happy Christmas Eve! Today, we are taking a little holiday trip to Provence in baking the Gibassier. I first tried this fluffy pastry bread at the Pearl Bakery and quickly became infatuated with it. Anise,…
Sushi, at the very least, is a weekly habit for me. Since the university brought in a sushi vendor, my habit has been healthily supported. It’s fresh, (usually) healthy, and bit-sized. What more could you…
One of my very favorite parts of the holiday season is the food. While I generally search for healthy alternatives to unhealthy (but delicious) recipes, the holidays are an excuse for me to be a…
My love for cheese is difficult to describe in words. I feel like an interpretive dance would be a much better medium for such an expression of emotion; unfortunately, I can’t do that here. We’ll…