Tagged By cooking

Foodie Friday: Gibassier

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Happy Christmas Eve! Today, we are taking a little holiday trip to Provence in baking the Gibassier. I first tried this fluffy pastry bread at the Pearl Bakery and quickly became infatuated with it. Anise,&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Sushi

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Sushi, at the very least, is a weekly habit for me. Since the university brought in a sushi vendor, my habit has been healthily supported. It’s fresh, (usually) healthy, and bit-sized. What more could you&hellip

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A Week of Feasting

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One of my very favorite parts of the holiday season is the food. While I generally search for healthy alternatives to unhealthy (but delicious) recipes, the holidays are an excuse for me to be a&hellip

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Cheesy Goodness

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My love for cheese is difficult to describe in words. I feel like an interpretive dance would be a much better medium for such an expression of emotion; unfortunately, I can’t do that here. We’ll&hellip

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