
Letters: Video Mania

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Dear Linz, Since we can’t live in the same state, I’m happy we are keeping up our letters series. Lately I’ve been spending my extra time entertained by videos on the internet. Here’s some that&hellip

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Adventures: Time Management

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Hello Friends! It feels like it has been FOR-EVER since I have spent some quality time around these parts. The reason is quite simple. I have been off having one of the best vacations of&hellip

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Adventures: Outdoor Movies

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Outdoor movies are certainly a thing here in Baltimore. Which I could not be happier about. My teenage years were filled with nights at the Drive-In and outdoor movies projected at a friend’s house. Of&hellip

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Adventures: Snacking

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There is no denying that food ends up being a big part of all this adventure having. Perhaps it is the main feature if you are picking fruit or pickling everything in sight. Or maybe it’s&hellip

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Adventures: Take a hike!

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Its “summer” in San Francisco which means there is a 50-50 chance of whether it will be super hot or rainy. Since this weekend was really nice, we decided to hop across the bridge and&hellip

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Challenge: Pregnancy Food Craving

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Happy Mother’s Day! While I’m not technically a mother yet, it seems fitting that Jess recently challenged me to make a dish of a food I’ve been craving while pregnant. Plus, I’m getting really close&hellip

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