Our Series

At A Glance: Snow Day!

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It snowed two Sundays ago and I could not have been more giddy. A simple day of dancing in the snow, taking pictures and making yummy soup while watching it all come down. The weekend&hellip

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At A Glance: My neighborhood

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My blogging has been sorely lacking lately, however my picture taking, cooking and crafting has thankfully been happening on the regular. Computer problems coupled with a new job and recent move has put blogging on&hellip

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At A Glance: Football Concert

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Football season is here and in full swing. I’m still getting use to living in a “sports” town. Sure Portland has the Blazers and the Timbers, but the vibe of sports in Oregon is just&hellip

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Letters: Video Mania

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Dear Linz, Since we can’t live in the same state, I’m happy we are keeping up our letters series. Lately I’ve been spending my extra time entertained by videos on the internet. Here’s some that&hellip

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