Are you hosting any parties this season? Need to bring a drink to one you are going to? This one is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Warm mulled wine and hot apple cider certainly have…
Are you hosting any parties this season? Need to bring a drink to one you are going to? This one is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Warm mulled wine and hot apple cider certainly have…
A few weeks back, Mariko and I threw a cheese and cracker party. But of course we couldn’t just buy cheese and crackers…we had to make them. This idea really grew from the fact that…
I don’t understand when people don’t like sweets. If someone says that to me, I immediately have my suspicions of them as a person. Is he or she an alien? I should try to be…
While Linz and I were making our epic blueberry pie, we also needed to create a side dish to go along with the BBQing and other yummy dishes being brought to the party. This was…
Our tomato plants have gone crazy. Remember when they looked like this? Well, now they look like this: I think our yellow plum tomato plant is something like five feet tall by eight feet wide.…
Well, it seems that summer is drawing to a close. My sense of time has been seriously disturbed by becoming a mother/sleeping on a newborn schedule/not going to work. I mean it more than ever when…
There are a lot of fantastic things one can get up to in the summer. There is fresh produce to gorge on, BBQs to get silly with friends at, new music to discover and just general tomfoolery to…
Come late summer, gazpacho is the answer for everything. Can’t get rid of your garden’s zucchini harvest? Gazpacho! Feeling sugar overload from ice cream and berry desserts? Gazpacho! Too warm to eat hot food? Gazpacho!…
I was in line at Whole Foods and saw an advertisement for Blueberry Peach Upside Down cake. Whaaaaat? I wanted it, I wanted it right away, but I wanted it homemade style. I’m a little…
I am in love with this pizza. We are talking make-two-times-in-one-week kind of love. I think it is the creme fraiche. Perhaps it is it that I am currently into cream based flavors with lime,…
Have we talked about Portlandia yet? Since moving to Baltimore I get asked a lot about that show. Have I seen? Is it realistic? And oh boy, am I excited to tell people it is…
They may not be the cutest things you have ever seen, but my first attempt at bagel making was a success! I followed the simple recipe by Sophisticated Gourmet. As a child I was all…
Summer weather has come a bit early to my “neck of the woods” (oh, Al Roker…you’ve infiltrated my brain when it comes to talking about weather.) With so much sunshine and heat, I’ve been extra…
I’m out road trippin’ it this weekend around Pennsylvania and New York to see friends. Of course I’m hopeful that tasty food will be a big part of this time. Already my friend and I…
I hosted a small dinner party recently with only one request from my guests: that I provide a dessert that involved both chocolate and peanut butter. I couldn’t say no to such a classic flavor…
In case you missed my guest post over at The Thinking Closet I thought I would share it here too. Enjoy! Lauren mentioned that she thought she had lots of readers that were busy…
I’m a fool for rice pudding, which is something I never really thought I would say. As a kid, I always thought tapioca pudding was disgusting mostly due to its texture. Someone might have told…
When life gets busy, it can be incredibly tempting to grab a bowl of cereal instead of taking the time to make a real meal. While a non-meal is okay here and there, I find…
Today marks the beginning of March, which also means that we are moving on to a new season here at Sweet Athena. While we had a lot of fun with the winter theme of Celebrations,…
I need to be honest about something, last term I hardly cooked for myself. I mean I would make a couple of meals a week, but I certainly was not whipping up something each night.…