
Guest Post: Bike Love


Guest blogging for Sweet Athena today is Kara. An artistic woman, whose latest project involves making a documentary about her shift from car dependency to bicyclist. During our week of Oregon guest bloggers, it only made sense to&hellip

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Chalkboard Vases

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As ya’ll have gathered at this point, chalk board paint is on my mind. I just love how I am able to take objects that otherwise might be thrown away and create new and fun&hellip

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Oregon, my Oregon


A few days ago, Jess told me how she wanted to spruce up her apartment with bit of color. So, shazam! I painted her a colorful, geometric representation of our lovely state, Oregon. I was&hellip

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Chalkboard Paint Hearts

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As we know from last year, I am in love with creating Valentine’s Day cards that involve found objects from my house. This year was no exception and I used my new favorite craft obsession, chalkboard paint.&hellip

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She Flies with Her Own Wings

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Do you know your state motto? I was unaware until recently that Oregon’s motto was ‘She Flies with Her Own Wings’ otherwise known to many Portlanders as ‘Put A Bird On It’. Linz and I&hellip

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