Posts By Linz

Let’s Make a Wedding Cake

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When our friend Laura asked me to make for her wedding, I immediately jumped on board with an enthusiastic “yes!” Making a wedding cake turned out to be a lifelong dream I didn’t even realize&hellip

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Remembering Life Lessons

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The more I make my way through this thing we call Life, the more I’m realizing that things don’t really work the way I thought they would. This is not a bad thing. I’ll explain.&hellip

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Happy 2014!

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Jess and I wish you the very best for the New Year. Hope you got to celebrate with something sweet and awesome people around you. P.S. I don’t think I’ve mentioned my love of Oprah&hellip

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Fall Bucket List Progress

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It’s been too long since we’ve talked. But with learning what it’s like to be a working-outside-the-home-mom, caring for a teething babe, and trying to not drop off the face of the earth as a&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Garden Gazpacho

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Come late summer, gazpacho is the answer for everything. Can’t get rid of your garden’s zucchini harvest? Gazpacho! Feeling sugar overload from ice cream and berry desserts? Gazpacho! Too warm to eat hot food? Gazpacho!&hellip

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Meet Murphy


This is Murphy. He arrived at the end of June at seven pounds, fifteen ounces and twenty and a quarter inches. He is crazy adorable (as you can see.) In his five-and-some weeks in this&hellip

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