Do these snapshots of Linz and I help you guess what our next theme is going to be? |
Linz and I have been on hiatus for the last couple of weeks, but we are pumped to dive back into the world of crafting, cooking and sharing our adventures with you. We have jumped to a new season, which of course means a new theme. It seemed fitting that we tackle one of our most elusive friends, TIME. That slippery devil, which can require patience of us, while at other moments has run right past us. This Summer is going to be about both the literal and figurative world of time and crafting. Of course all your favorite series will be making an appearance from Sew & Tell, to Book Reviews, Free Backgrounds to everyones favorite, Foodie Friday. We even have a new special series, just for this season. We hope you will make some time (wink) for us this Summer.
It takes a long time to grow an old friend. ~John Leonard |
July 12, 2012 3:34 pm
Yes…….Bannanas and hot sauce