This is Murphy. He arrived at the end of June at seven pounds, fifteen ounces and twenty and a quarter inches. He is crazy adorable (as you can see.) In his five-and-some weeks in this…

This is Murphy. He arrived at the end of June at seven pounds, fifteen ounces and twenty and a quarter inches. He is crazy adorable (as you can see.) In his five-and-some weeks in this…
Okay, that’s a lie…it’s really a very big announcement. I’m pregnant! Baby is kicking me as I write this, so I think he’s exciting that I’m finally sharing the news with you. Yup, that’s right:…
Today marks the beginning of March, which also means that we are moving on to a new season here at Sweet Athena. While we had a lot of fun with the winter theme of Celebrations,…
It’s been two years since Jess and I announced our blog format of adopting a theme to guide our posts for three months at a time. Since then, we have delved in to areas such…
Do these snapshots of Linz and I help you guess what our next theme is going to be? Linz and I have been on hiatus for the last couple of weeks, but we are pumped…
As I am sure many of you know both Linz and I are at big transition points in our life. Linz is gearing up for her last term before getting her Masters degree (Whoo-hoo!). While…
Do you know your state motto? I was unaware until recently that Oregon’s motto was ‘She Flies with Her Own Wings’ otherwise known to many Portlanders as ‘Put A Bird On It’. Linz and I…
Oh no! We seem to have hit some kind of time warp, pulling us into the past. It looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while…probably the next three months. Gosh, I guess we’ll…
Three months ago, Jess and I set out on a mission to investigate one theme each season here at Sweet Athena. We brainstormed a million and five ideas and settled on “fashion,” a little intimidated…
Aiming to keep things fresh and focused at Sweet Athena, we are pleased to announce that we will be adopting a new format for our blog! The Pattern Each season, we will announce a theme…