Tagged By Sweet Athena

She Flies with Her Own Wings

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Do you know your state motto? I was unaware until recently that Oregon’s motto was ‘She Flies with Her Own Wings’ otherwise known to many Portlanders as ‘Put A Bird On It’. Linz and I&hellip

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Falling back in time

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 Oh no! We seem to have hit some kind of time warp, pulling us into the past. It looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while…probably the next three months. Gosh, I guess we’ll&hellip

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Happy Birthday, Sweet Athena!

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This April marks an exciting moment in Sweet Athena history, it is the two year anniversary of our blog! To celebrate all the food and craft adventures Linz and I have experienced here, we decided&hellip

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Let’s Leap In!

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Hi, world! Jessica and Lindsey here. We’re mega-excited to be writing our very first blog post together, and we’re happy you’re here with us. We’re hoping this is a place where we can explore our&hellip

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