Posts By SweetAthena

Fall Bucket List


I had so much fun coming up with a summer bucket list that I’ve decided to do it again for the fall and get Miss Lindseylu to join me. When thinking about celebrations a seasonal&hellip

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New series ahead: Q&A

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For as long as Linz and I have been friends we have been hatching plans, schemes and ideas with one another. High school assignments together would more often feel like an excuse to spend the&hellip

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Guest Post: Bike Love


Guest blogging for Sweet Athena today is Kara. An artistic woman, whose latest project involves making a documentary about her shift from car dependency to bicyclist. During our week of Oregon guest bloggers, it only made sense to&hellip

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Let’s Leap In!

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Hi, world! Jessica and Lindsey here. We’re mega-excited to be writing our very first blog post together, and we’re happy you’re here with us. We’re hoping this is a place where we can explore our&hellip

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