Tagged By t-shirt reconstruction

Petal Power

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For our last installment on ways to jazz up your apparel, we’re looking at how Jess and I brought a little flower power to some basic tees. For guidance, we turned to this tutorial from&hellip

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Bling, Bling

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Today’s shirt reconstruction is all about adding a little bling to your shirt. I tried out a tutorial from Still Dottie about re-ceating a beaded shirt from J-Crew. This project was one that was easy&hellip

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Fun with Felting!

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Happy Halloween! Today for t-shirt reconstruction week it is all about working with felt. I think felt has a very homemade look to it, which I realize is not for everyone. I however love the&hellip

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The Simple Fix

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It all started with a small stain on a beloved blouse and ended at one o’clock in the morning with Linz and I sitting around piles of tulle, fabric, buttons, and a “bloody” purple t-shirt&hellip

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