Our Seasons

Making Macarons

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Over Spring Break (aka, “the Perfect Time to Use Vacation Days When You Work at a University”), I finally had the chance to get together with Mariko (aka, “Crafty Mariko“) to tackle the elusive macaron.&hellip

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A bit o’ color

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In honor of the sunshine that graced our presence here in the great Pacific Northwest today (sorry, Olympics!) I wanted share a little something that makes me think of spring. Below is a set I&hellip

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A Week of Feasting

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One of my very favorite parts of the holiday season is the food. While I generally search for healthy alternatives to unhealthy (but delicious) recipes, the holidays are an excuse for me to be a&hellip

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Dear Santa,

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For Christmas this year I would like to use fewer resources. Christmas is two days away and maybe everyone else has been prepared for weeks, but I just finished wrapping my Christmas gifts today. Maybe&hellip

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Time + Paint + Wood

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“Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.” – Andrew Jackson A while back, a co-worker dangled a project in front of me and I grabbed it.&hellip

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Cheesy Goodness

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My love for cheese is difficult to describe in words. I feel like an interpretive dance would be a much better medium for such an expression of emotion; unfortunately, I can’t do that here. We’ll&hellip

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Short and Sweet

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In an effort to save money, I recently set out to learn how to hem pants. I am short and pants I tend to like are not. I figure this is will be a valuable&hellip

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Prom Bling

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I have started dating a new boy and with that adventure comes the fun of new places and things to do. The boy recently took me to a bollywood prom, where dresses and updos were&hellip

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