As I’ve alluded to before, I have a couple of family members who are gluten intolerant. While I love all things that contain gluten, it’s been fun to play around with gluten-free cooking and baking…

As I’ve alluded to before, I have a couple of family members who are gluten intolerant. While I love all things that contain gluten, it’s been fun to play around with gluten-free cooking and baking…
Are you tired of appetizers after the big game last Sunday? Me neither. This recipe fromĀ E.A.T. for a Spicy Carrot Sandwich seemed like an odd combination, but I’m always looking for interesting ways to spruce…
After watching the documentary Kings of Pastry on Netflix, I’ve been craving macarons. I think about the slight crunch, followed by the chewy inside. I think about the filling…buttercream…ganach…salted caramel. I’ve been a little obsessed.…
Foodie Friday is a couple of days late this week as I clearly have not gotten quite back into the grove of posting regularly. However, I am excited to get back into crafting and baking…
Roasting a chicken in the oven is something I always thought of as an Classy Adult thing. For example, in the 5th grade, my friends and I made a video for class, dressed up in…
I love traditions. That comfortable feeling that comes from doing the same fun thing once a year (or more) with your friends and family. There is something to be said for being able to know…
One of my very favorite Christmas traditions is to make Almond Roca (sometimes called “English Toffee”) with my Mom. Our candy-making sessions often take a whole day, so we can make enough batches to give…
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The Foodie Friday after Thanksgiving is always a funny post because most people are still in a food coma from the day before and talking about more food…
When making this dish I realized that this is the first time Linz or I have featured mac ‘n’ cheese for Foodie Friday, I found this quite shocking. Variations on this classic cheesy noodle dish…
I could (and sometimes do) eat breakfast for every meal in a day. I just love everything about breakfast: how it can be sweet or savory, or even both at the same time. Plus, how…
I’m a little surprised I can even write a Foodie Friday post today considering Linz and I have been in a sugar coma. I have some how managed to eat a lot of sweets lately,…
After completing my Master’s program in August, I have been wrapped up in a baking frenzy. Luckily, my friends and family have indulged this new passion and let me bake things for them (good for…
Is anyone else surprised that we are almost mid-way through October? Halloween feels right around the corner and wrapped mini candy bars are everywhere. If you want to satisfy your sweet tooth, but enjoy a…
Jess and I have been lucky to be surprised with the pregnancies of two of our best lady-friends recently: Mariko and Erin. We are over the moon with joy for both of them (and their…
You know how there are foods in life that come in a wide variety and you can either love all the many choices and techniques (ice cream for me) or for you there is only…
The more I become fixed into this stage called “adulthood,” the stranger it seems sometimes. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how growing up forces changes in my relationships with family members. People with…
I am happy to say that it has been two(!) years this week since Linz and I started Foodie Friday. I love that it started with a reflection on the connection between fashion and food…
Sometimes I stumble across a recipe that is so utterly perfect that I can’t help but applaud it. Alton Brown’s Southern Biscuits Recipe is one of these magical finds. Dale and I came across it…
It is the last official weekend of the Summer. For the last couple of years I have been spending this particular weekend at the beach with friends. We spend the entire time lounging in the…
Hello! Lindsey here. It has certainly been a while since we’ve talked. While Jess has been busy posting about all of the wonderful projects and foods she has been making, I have been swamped with…