Do you remember during our last season of Fashion that Linz and I had a Q & A series devoted to our questions and ideas related to how to dress and express yourself with clothing.…

Do you remember during our last season of Fashion that Linz and I had a Q & A series devoted to our questions and ideas related to how to dress and express yourself with clothing.…
The more I become fixed into this stage called “adulthood,” the stranger it seems sometimes. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how growing up forces changes in my relationships with family members. People with…
I’ve come to love doing a special post just for Linz on her birthday. This year I decided to experiment with both a new cake recipe and a craft. For the cake I made a…
While this season is all about nature, I think I would like to take a trip with you all out…
From the moment I first spied Rosie’s breathtaking Asparagus Cake over at Sweetapolita, I knew I would try to make one myself. I only needed an excuse to make an asparagus cake. As you read…
This past weekend, we celebrated a friend’s birthday with a theme that fits her well. She has a love for gardening that I can only equate to my brothers’ shared childhood love of videogames. Or…
This April marks an exciting moment in Sweet Athena history, it is the two year anniversary of our blog! To celebrate all the food and craft adventures Linz and I have experienced here, we decided…
Sweet Athena Linz turned an adorable 26 this month and of course we took that as an excuse to boogie on down with friends. Our inspiration was Linz’s love of eggs and a recent article in…
With Dale’s birthday down and mine on the way, I’ve been thinking back to the days when realbirthday parties existed. You know, the kinds based around a cartoon (TMNT, for example!) or creatures (bugs!) or…
Today is Sweet Athena’s Lindsey’s Birthday! I thought it would be fitting to give her a blog post in ode to her day. Being as Esty is one our favorite sites I have collected some…