Tagged By summer

Foodie Friday: Garden Gazpacho

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Come late summer, gazpacho is the answer for everything. Can’t get rid of your garden’s zucchini harvest? Gazpacho! Feeling sugar overload from ice cream and berry desserts? Gazpacho! Too warm to eat hot food? Gazpacho!&hellip

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Challenge: Pregnancy Food Craving

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Happy Mother’s Day! While I’m not technically a mother yet, it seems fitting that Jess recently challenged me to make a dish of a food I’ve been craving while pregnant. Plus, I’m getting really close&hellip

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Break Time

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As I am sure many of you know both Linz and I are at big transition points in our life. Linz is gearing up for her last term before getting her Masters degree (Whoo-hoo!). While&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Stawberry Pavlovas

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This week’s farmer’s market provided me with one of the best gifts of the season: fresh Oregon strawberries. We took home two varieties, including Hoods, which are at the same time hilariously shaped and incredibly&hellip

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Asparagus Cake


From the moment I first spied Rosie’s breathtaking Asparagus Cake over at Sweetapolita, I knew I would try to make one myself. I only needed an excuse to make an asparagus cake. As you read&hellip

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A Garden Party

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This past weekend, we celebrated a friend’s birthday with a theme that fits her well. She has a love for gardening that I can only equate to my brothers’ shared childhood love of videogames. Or&hellip

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