Tagged By vegetables

Foodie Friday: Garden Gazpacho

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Come late summer, gazpacho is the answer for everything. Can’t get rid of your garden’s zucchini harvest? Gazpacho! Feeling sugar overload from ice cream and berry desserts? Gazpacho! Too warm to eat hot food? Gazpacho!&hellip

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Produce Tree

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Almost a year ago Linz and I were in a Christmas store with friends admiring all the lovely decorations. We were noticing how many of the Christmas trees had themes to them, all one color,&hellip

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Asparagus Cake


From the moment I first spied Rosie’s breathtaking Asparagus Cake over at Sweetapolita, I knew I would try to make one myself. I only needed an excuse to make an asparagus cake. As you read&hellip

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