
At A Glance: Bahamas


Have I ever mentioned on SA how incredibly blessed I feel? I have many amazing things in my life, but one of the all time best parts is that I have not one, but two&hellip

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Foodie Friday: The Brew

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Hey there ladies and gents, Dale here, you all may know me as Lindsey’s husband. I’m here to talk about one of my favorite foods, beer. Recently I’ve joined the many individuals in the Portland&hellip

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Foodie Saturday: Chocolate Mochi Cake

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Though a certain work situation kept me from posting a “Foodie Friday” yesterday, I’m deciding to go ahead and share the recipe. Let’s call today “Foodie Saturday!” The inspiration for this dessert came from the&hellip

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Petal Power

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For our last installment on ways to jazz up your apparel, we’re looking at how Jess and I brought a little flower power to some basic tees. For guidance, we turned to this tutorial from&hellip

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Making Macarons

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Over Spring Break (aka, “the Perfect Time to Use Vacation Days When You Work at a University”), I finally had the chance to get together with Mariko (aka, “Crafty Mariko“) to tackle the elusive macaron.&hellip

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