Question from Linz: Decorative nail painting techniques are everywhere. Are these okay for work? Answer: I think they are if you keep it simple. There is no reason to try every trend on one set…
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Q&A Sunday: Mixing Patterns
Last week, Jess asked me for tips about mixing patterns, and so I’ve been thinking all week about what makes a look succeed or fail when multiple prints are at play. In fact, I’ve been…
Q&A Sunday: How to Rock Costume Jewelry
Question from Linz: How can I wear costume jewelry without looking like I am wearing a costume (for Mad Men)? Answer from Jess: Costume Jewelry by sweet-athena featuring a sequin dress 1) If you have…
Q&A Sunday: Favorite Trends
Question from Jess: What are your favorite fashion trends right now? Answer: This question is tricky for me, because I don’t really know what is trendy. Sure, some of the magazines I read have those feature…
Q&A Sunday: Leggings, are they “in” or “out”?
Question from Linz: Jess, Are leggings out? They came “in” a few years ago, and I love how comfortable they are, so I don’t really want to let them go… Answer from Jess: Linz, I…
Q&A Sunday: Denim Skirts & Work
Question from Jess: Are jean skirts and dresses acceptable to wear to work? I’ve also seen a lot of cute outfits with skirts and the chambray shirt, what do you think about that in a business…
Q&A Sunday: Dressing like a professional & feeling your age
Are you as excited as I am about this new series? Here’s my first question to answer: Question from Linz: How can I dress professionally without looking too much older than I am? Answer: While Linz and…
Q&A Sunday: Wearing sheer to work
As Jess mentioned last week, we are starting a brand new series here at Sweet Athena called “Q&A Sundays” in which we will be answering each other’s questions through weekly posts. Because we’re in the…
Challenge: A Favorite Restaurant Dish
As Jess mentioned last week, we are giving our typical Q&A series a culinary twist with our Spring 2013 food-themed season. To kick us off, I first challenged Jess to make a new dish that features…
Challenge: Give Your Favorite Veggie More Love
While Linz and I have been living in other parts of the country we have enjoyed adding a letter series to the blog. With fashion we were able to help each other out with a…