Tagged By food

Remembering Life Lessons

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The more I make my way through this thing we call Life, the more I’m realizing that things don’t really work the way I thought they would. This is not a bad thing. I’ll explain.&hellip

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Adventures: Snacking

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There is no denying that food ends up being a big part of all this adventure having. Perhaps it is the main feature if you are picking fruit or pickling everything in sight. Or maybe it’s&hellip

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Craft Round Up: Food

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This season was difficult was for me to figure out what type of Craft Round Up I wanted to do. Should I feature some fun crafts that use food? Should I share my favorite food&hellip

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I love to travel. Yet, I understand that traveling is a word that can mean something different to people. For me, it often means eating and a lot of it. Food is one of the&hellip

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Food for your Face


  Food is not just for consumption, packed with vitamins and minerals your skin can also benefit from all that nature has to offer. I decided to do a little experimenting in the kitchen and&hellip

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Close-Up Macarons

Foodie Friday: Lazy Macarons


After watching the documentary Kings of Pastry on Netflix, I’ve been craving macarons. I think about the slight crunch, followed by the chewy inside. I think about the filling…buttercream…ganach…salted caramel. I’ve been a little obsessed.&hellip

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Happy Birthday, Sweet Athena!

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This April marks an exciting moment in Sweet Athena history, it is the two year anniversary of our blog! To celebrate all the food and craft adventures Linz and I have experienced here, we decided&hellip

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