Tagged By inspiration

Letters: Oh, Canada

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Dear Jess, I don’t think I mentioned this before, but I’m away in Canada this weekend! The drive up was rather rainy, but the country welcomed us with a lovely rainbow: I’ve been to Vancouver&hellip

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Etsy Birthday Fun for Kids

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With Dale’s birthday down and mine on the way, I’ve been thinking back to the days when realbirthday parties existed. You know, the kinds based around a cartoon (TMNT, for example!) or creatures (bugs!) or&hellip

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Classy Holiday Cards at Etsy

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You probably know already that I, Lindsey, am a bit of a graphic design junkie. That’s why any excuse to peruse through printed goods is okay by me. That’s also why I recently stayed up&hellip

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Fancy It Up!

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Ribbons, buttons, beads and catching up with friends. What do these things have in common? They’re all coming together for our T-Shirt Reconstruction/Crafting Party this weekend! We’ll share more about the party later, but right&hellip

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