Tagged By winter

At A Glance: Snow Day!

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It snowed two Sundays ago and I could not have been more giddy. A simple day of dancing in the snow, taking pictures and making yummy soup while watching it all come down. The weekend&hellip

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Etsy Birthday Fun for Kids

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With Dale’s birthday down and mine on the way, I’ve been thinking back to the days when realbirthday parties existed. You know, the kinds based around a cartoon (TMNT, for example!) or creatures (bugs!) or&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Gibassier

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Happy Christmas Eve! Today, we are taking a little holiday trip to Provence in baking the Gibassier. I first tried this fluffy pastry bread at the Pearl Bakery and quickly became infatuated with it. Anise,&hellip

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Ring Around the Rosettes

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As promised, here are photos of my Felt Rosette Wreath! Actually, much of this project’s credit goes to my husband, Dale. This was his brainchild after seeing the Styrofoam wreath shape at JoAnn’s. He even&hellip

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Warm & Fuzzies

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What feels like forever ago (but was really just last winter), I found a lovely scarf tutorial at Curbly from Chris Gardner to use for my holiday gifts. The project requires minimal supplies (fleece, contact&hellip

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