Posts By Jess

At A Glance: Ocean City

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I’ve missed doing this weekly At A Glance series. While school has kept me busy, it hasn’t been all work around here. One of my best days this summer in Maryland was a day trip&hellip

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Hanging in Style

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Hello All! Things have been a bit quiet around these parts. That typically means things have been non-stop busy for Linz and I. As Nisha mentioned, Linz had a flipping BABY!!! I’ll let her share&hellip

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Adventures: Snacking

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There is no denying that food ends up being a big part of all this adventure having. Perhaps it is the main feature if you are picking fruit or pickling everything in sight. Or maybe it’s&hellip

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At A Glance: Balboa Park


When looking at my San Diego pictures I realized I had a ton from my trek with friends through Balboa Park. It may seem trite to feature this park. I mean, who doesn’t go here&hellip

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At A Glance: San Diego


  Does anyone else out there ever feel younger than they are? I often forget that I have been doing this “adult” thing for 10 years now. Every now and then I’ll do something and&hellip

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At A Glance: O’s Game

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  I basically know very little, bordering on nothing about baseball. But that didn’t stop me from wanting to go to an Orioles game with my Dad and some friends a couple of weeks ago. It&hellip

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Hello Again

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We are continuing our check-in with all our favorite themes and have made our way back to nature. Interestingly enough last time I talked about our thematic season of nature for the summer, I mentioned Linz&hellip

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Craft Round Up: Food

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This season was difficult was for me to figure out what type of Craft Round Up I wanted to do. Should I feature some fun crafts that use food? Should I share my favorite food&hellip

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I love to travel. Yet, I understand that traveling is a word that can mean something different to people. For me, it often means eating and a lot of it. Food is one of the&hellip

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