Our Seasons

Fall Bucket List


I had so much fun coming up with a summer bucket list that I’ve decided to do it again for the fall and get Miss Lindseylu to join me. When thinking about celebrations a seasonal&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Garden Gazpacho

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Come late summer, gazpacho is the answer for everything. Can’t get rid of your garden’s zucchini harvest? Gazpacho! Feeling sugar overload from ice cream and berry desserts? Gazpacho! Too warm to eat hot food? Gazpacho!&hellip

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Adventures: Time Management

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Hello Friends! It feels like it has been FOR-EVER since I have spent some quality time around these parts. The reason is quite simple. I have been off having one of the best vacations of&hellip

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Meet Murphy


This is Murphy. He arrived at the end of June at seven pounds, fifteen ounces and twenty and a quarter inches. He is crazy adorable (as you can see.) In his five-and-some weeks in this&hellip

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Adventures: Outdoor Movies

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Outdoor movies are certainly a thing here in Baltimore. Which I could not be happier about. My teenage years were filled with nights at the Drive-In and outdoor movies projected at a friend’s house. Of&hellip

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Hanging in Style

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Hello All! Things have been a bit quiet around these parts. That typically means things have been non-stop busy for Linz and I. As Nisha mentioned, Linz had a flipping BABY!!! I’ll let her share&hellip

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Adventures: Snacking

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There is no denying that food ends up being a big part of all this adventure having. Perhaps it is the main feature if you are picking fruit or pickling everything in sight. Or maybe it’s&hellip

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Adventures: Take a hike!

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Its “summer” in San Francisco which means there is a 50-50 chance of whether it will be super hot or rainy. Since this weekend was really nice, we decided to hop across the bridge and&hellip

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