Tagged By simple

Foodie Friday: Puff Pastry Appetizers

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With New Year’s Eve being tomorrow, I figured it would be appropriate to share a new favorite appetizer recipe: Cooking Light’s Tomato-Baby Bell Pepper Tartlets. These little beauties are made with a few basic ingredients, but&hellip

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Foodie Friday: A Gold Star


It is August, which means it is Crazy Training/Crunch Time at my job. It happens every year, and yet I am still surprised by how much energy, effort, and thought is required for this special&hellip

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Let’s Get Saucy: Honey Mustard


One of the best aspects of having a food-themed season here at Sweet Athena is the opportunity to talk “favorites.” While I’m a fan of experimenting with new things, there’s something special about trying out&hellip

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