Tagged By winter: celebrations

Craft Round Up: Celebration


It is time to say goodbye to parties, decorations, and notes of love. Adieu to appetizers, drinks, and sweet treats. Okay not really, but we are parting ways with the theme of celebration. As a&hellip

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Sew & Tell: Bow Tie

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My husband, Dale, has a love of bow ties unrivaled in any men I know. And he looks mighty fine while wearing one, even when in costume as Dr. Seuss. Case in point: When Dale&hellip

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Close-Up Macarons

Foodie Friday: Lazy Macarons


After watching the documentary Kings of Pastry on Netflix, I’ve been craving macarons. I think about the slight crunch, followed by the chewy inside. I think about the filling…buttercream…ganach…salted caramel. I’ve been a little obsessed.&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Oh, Chocolate


In the month of chocolate I could not help but trying my hand at chocolate truffles. I learned two cool things about these treats. First, I did not realize that truffles were made to look&hellip

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Birthday Brunch Bash

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Sweet Athena Linz turned an adorable 26 this month and of course we took that as an excuse to boogie on down with friends.   Our inspiration was Linz’s love of eggs and a recent article in&hellip

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I Heart You!

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Valentine’s day is quickly approaching and we have yet to mention the celebration of love, candy and hearts here at Sweet Athena. I guess this particular holiday gets such mixed reviews from people. I feel&hellip

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Happy Birthday Linz!


Vintage Sugar Cube made this 6 Layers of SexyToday is Sweet Athena Lindsey’s birthday! Hooooo-RAY! I am excited to celebrate with her later this weekend, but as for today I cannot get my mind off&hellip

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Etsy Birthday Fun for Kids

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With Dale’s birthday down and mine on the way, I’ve been thinking back to the days when realbirthday parties existed. You know, the kinds based around a cartoon (TMNT, for example!) or creatures (bugs!) or&hellip

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26 while 26

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Happy 2011! There is a lot of talk of New Year’s resolutions and goals out there in the crafting blog world. Which always makes me happy to see people celebrating life in that way! As&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Gibassier

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Happy Christmas Eve! Today, we are taking a little holiday trip to Provence in baking the Gibassier. I first tried this fluffy pastry bread at the Pearl Bakery and quickly became infatuated with it. Anise,&hellip

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