Tagged By Main Menu

Foodie Friday: Puff Pastry Appetizers

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With New Year’s Eve being tomorrow, I figured it would be appropriate to share a new favorite appetizer recipe: Cooking Light’s Tomato-Baby Bell Pepper Tartlets. These little beauties are made with a few basic ingredients, but&hellip

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Foodie Saturday: Mulled Wine


First, a couple of answers: Yes, Thanksgiving festivities distracted me from posting Foodie Friday on Friday. No, it wasn’t because I was partaking in Black Friday shopping.  🙂 Now a question: How was your Thanksgiving?&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Chicken Not Pie

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With the days getting colder, I found myself fantasizing last weekend about chicken pot pie. For me, this dish is the epitome of comfort foods: it’s rich, creamy, and warms you up inside and out.&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Crema

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Sometimes a new type of dish pops out at you and you just have to try it. That is the way I felt about crema after reading an article about it in The Oregonian. Sauteed&hellip

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Foodie Friday: A Gold Star


It is August, which means it is Crazy Training/Crunch Time at my job. It happens every year, and yet I am still surprised by how much energy, effort, and thought is required for this special&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Banana Ice Cream

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 Crafty Mariko first told me about a certain phenomenon sweeping the world (okay, maybe just some kitchens). It starts with a frozen banana and actually that’s all there is too it. The Kitchn  explains that all you need&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Croissants

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I finally tried making croissants. I have a memory of being about 16 and having the day off from school and hanging out at my Grandma’s house watching Martha Stewart with her one morning. We&hellip

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