Tagged By season: nature

Foodie Friday: Garden Gazpacho

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Come late summer, gazpacho is the answer for everything. Can’t get rid of your garden’s zucchini harvest? Gazpacho! Feeling sugar overload from ice cream and berry desserts? Gazpacho! Too warm to eat hot food? Gazpacho!&hellip

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Adventures: Snacking

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There is no denying that food ends up being a big part of all this adventure having. Perhaps it is the main feature if you are picking fruit or pickling everything in sight. Or maybe it’s&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Crema

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Sometimes a new type of dish pops out at you and you just have to try it. That is the way I felt about crema after reading an article about it in The Oregonian. Sauteed&hellip

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Sew & Tell: Throw Pillows

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This Sew and Tell session is all about my recent decision that I needed to give our couch pillows a makeover. This was my first time making pillow cases and it really is an easy&hellip

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Fusing Glass


I was recently lucky enough to take an afternoon art class with one of my favorite artists, my dad! He signed us up to take an ‘Intro to Fusing‘ class at Aquila Glass. I honestly knew&hellip

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Blue Jean Wreath

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 I love wreaths. This is in large part due to the fact that you can take any number of objects attach them in a circle form, et volia, you have a wreath!   Which is&hellip

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Family Tree

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 I have been wanting to make a family tree for sometime now. Something that visually showed a connection to my ancestry. Martha Stewart has the best collection of tutorials on ways you can make and&hellip

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Crafting Outdoors

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When thinking about combining nature and crafting together for this season my mind jumped to all the ways you could add nature to different projects. I saw imagines of animals, plants and scenery incorporated into&hellip

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Sprucing Up Furniture

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One of my goals for this past year was to take an ugly piece of furniture and transform it into something with a bit more charm. As I mentioned yesterday, my new apartment could use&hellip

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Painted Tree

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                              It feels like it has been awhile since I have written a nature post around here. This is not from&hellip

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Foodie Friday: Banana Ice Cream

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 Crafty Mariko first told me about a certain phenomenon sweeping the world (okay, maybe just some kitchens). It starts with a frozen banana and actually that’s all there is too it. The Kitchn  explains that all you need&hellip

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