Tagged By re-purpose

Craft Round Up: Fashion

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Instead of a craft round up of DIY projects worth trying out this season, I thought I would do a feature on bloggers I find consistently make creative fashionable clothes and accessories. Take a peak&hellip

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Making a Magazine Envelope


To round out this week of card making I wanted to do the easiest tutorial ever on making your own envelope out of magazine pages. Any paper would work for this design, I just happen&hellip

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Mosaic Scrap Cards

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When thinking about time and crafting, projects that connect me to my friends come to mind. I’m in the process of getting ready to leave my beloved state of Oregon to head to Maryland. While&hellip

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Chalkboard Vases

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As ya’ll have gathered at this point, chalk board paint is on my mind. I just love how I am able to take objects that otherwise might be thrown away and create new and fun&hellip

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Blue Jean Wreath

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 I love wreaths. This is in large part due to the fact that you can take any number of objects attach them in a circle form, et volia, you have a wreath!   Which is&hellip

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Sew & Tell: Hello Lover

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 When I was in college, I loved watching ‘Sex and the City’ with my friends. I remember one episode where Carrie saw a pair of shoes (as shown above) and declared, “Hello Lover”. Well, I’m&hellip

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